Monday, May 31, 2010

Progress at last

It's been a little while since I posted any new developments. Namely because there haven't been any new developments, at least with the building of the board. That's not entirely true and I'll share a couple of small updates in a moment.

This spring we had a baby boy on March 15. His name is Charlie. At his eight week check-up, his pediatrician heard an unusual sound in his heart. We went to see a pediatric cardiologist later that day and we discovered that Charlie has several heart defects - an enlarged heart (left ventrical), stenosis of the aorta, and a small hole. We were life flighted down to St. Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix later that evening, and two days later, Charlie had coarctation surgery to correct the narrowing (stenosis) of his aorta. The other issues with his heart seem to be related to the stenosis of his aorta, and we're crossing our fingers that they will correct themselves.

That experience kind of put my life in perspective.

Even with all the excitement, I managed to some minor progress with the board. I planed the tops of the bead and cove strips to create a flat landing surface for the deck. I'm not sure I did a very good job of it, but the strips were getting paper thin and I didn't want to risk planing them any further. I was concerned that there wasn't going to be enough surface area for adhering the deck. I attempted to amend this situation by gluing small pieces of wood along the ribs to create more internal surface area along the ribs and keel. I'm sure it increased the weight of the board, but that's okay if it keeps the deck secure. I also added blocking for the fin. I'm still not sure if I'm going to use the fin box included with the kit or just glass on a D fin.

That's all for now.

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